Native Song
at Liberty Gardens Park in North Miami, FL
Photo courtesy of Kaotik
Ernesto painted Native Song in Liberty Gardens Park for the city of North Miami. He teamed up with Before It’s Too Late, a nonprofit climate action prototyping lab that uses augmented reality and virtual reality to raise awareness through technology and art.
The mural incorporates native plants and animals. It includes an American Goldfinch, a Summer Tanager, a Monarch butterfly, a Miami Blue butterfly, an Atala butterfly, bald cypress trees, bougainvillea and slash pine.
Before It’s Too Late used augmented reality to help the mural come alive. Download the “Liberty Gardens AR” app available for Android and iPhone. With the app, you can scan the mural for an augmented reality experience! If you’re not able to make it to the park, you can use these images on the BITL website.
Learn more about the mural and Liberty Gardens Park with North Miami CRA and Art Burst.
Native Song
North Miami, Florida, USA
the city of North Miami with Before It’s Too Late
Latex and spray paint