Main Course
at Lighthouse of Broward in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Photos courtesy of Jordan Magid
Ernesto Maranje painted for Lighthouse of Broward County, a non-profit for the blind and visually impaired.
The mural is multi-sensory, so it can be enjoyed in more ways than one: the mural is textured, so visitors can feel the mythical world the mural creates. It incorporates sound with motion-sensor speakers that play nature noises. It can even be smelled thanks to diffusers that emit scents of orange.
The project was curated by Unconventional Group’s Jordan Magid.
Learn more about the mural with Landscape and Architecture Magazine.
Check out Cadence’s video detailing the mural’s journey.
Main Course
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Lighthouse of Broward County with Unconventional Group
Latex and spray paint