Stopping by Woods
in Johnson City, TN
Johnson City is a lovely town in east Tennessee surrounded by mountains, streams, and beautiful wildlife. Ernesto used this natural beauty to paint Stopping by the Woods.
The name was borrowed from the Robert Frost poem by the same name and speaks to our work, motivations and the ephemeral nature of all life.
The mural features a black bear, yellow-breasted chat, red-headed woodpecker, pine warbler and whitetail deer, which are all native to east Tennessee.
It was painted on the side and back walls of Fire Station 4. Ernesto had the pleasure of getting to know many of the firefighters while he was there, and they made him feel welcome while painting.
To learn more about the piece, visit Johnson City’s website.
Students from Professor Vanessa Mayoraz’s Art in Public Space class in the Art and Design Department at East Tennessee Sate University stopped by to take a look at the mural and chat with Ernesto.
City officials and members of the Johnson City Public Art Committee also came by to celebrate the mural’s completion.
Stopping by the Woods
Johnson City, Tennessee, USA
the city of Johnson City
Latex and spray paint