Pets Bring Us Together
in Miami, FL
Photos & film courtesy of Maxx McInerney
Chewy is known for loving their customers as much as they love pets. So when their 10-year anniversary rolled around, they wanted to say thank you in a big way. They teamed up with Ernesto Maranje and Mana Public Arts to create a pet portrait mural that includes 50 pets of some of their long-time customers.
The mural features a large Australian Shepard named Athena, a cat, Lola, and a bird named Bobbie. Underneath those pets are dozens of others in a whimsical “pet garden". There’s even a pet guinea pig and duck!
Chewy invited some pets and pet owners to come see the mural, so Ernesto got to meet a few of his muses. It was a great day to celebrate the animals we all love!
Check out Maxx Mcinerney’s time-lapse video to watch the mural come to life.
Learn more about the project on Chewy’s website.
Pets Bring Us Together
Miami, Florida, USA
Chewy with Mana Public Arts
Latex and spray paint